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6 Benefits of Online Personal Training

Gary Wagner • Dec 08, 2021

One of the common excuses people give for not going to the gym or working out is the lack of time. And, even when people manage to hit the gym or try working out at home for a few days or even months, people either get complacent or drop the idea of working out altogether.


Why do you think it is?

One of the first reasons is that people find it hard to fit in workout sessions in their busy schedule, don’t see any visible results to stay motivated, or lose enthusiasm for one reason or another. However, the benefits of exercising outweigh all the reasons to not cross over roadblocks and struggles you may have to face on the way.

One of the highly popular and common solutions to this problem that most people face is online personal training. It continues to get more popular with people these days, especially after the Covid pandemic.

Online fitness training has become a new trend among people due to the comfort, convenience, and flexibility while maintaining safety and achieving fitness goals simultaneously. There are tons of benefits of online personal training, and here we would enlist a few to give you a good idea as to why you start it too (If not already)!

Let's dive into the six main benefits of online personal training

Woman laying on mat waiting for her personal training to start

1. Learn From A Professional Online Fitness Trainer

It is absolutely fine to start working out at home on your own because the idea is to sweat it out. However, whatever you learn from online videos and fitness blogs may not be tailored to your body, weight, health, and age. When you join online personal training, you learn from a professional fitness trainer who can tailor the right program for you.

An online personal trainer would help design the fitness regime according to the areas you want to focus on: your chubby belly, saggy arms, weedy chest, etc. It helps you follow tried and tested exercises that target specific body areas, which not only gets you results faster but helps you develop strength, stamina, and a toned body.

online personal training focuses on your nutrition, diet, lifestyle, and other factors that collectively help you live a healthier lifestyle and stay motivated and active. The professional online fitness trainer doesn’t only curate a custom-tailored fitness program for you but keeps track of your progress, holding you accountable.

Such supervision keeps you from getting derailed. Most of all, online personal trainers adapt to your lifestyle and schedule and modify the workout depending on your progress, adaptability, and fitness goals.

2. Online Personal Training is Flexible for You

The best part about online personal training is its flexibility. Most people complain about being too drained out to hit the gym after a long day at work or waking up early and depriving their sleep to visit the gym before going to work.

This won’t be the case with online personal training, as a personal trainer has slots you can choose as per your work schedule and daily routine. It makes life easier for you without having to compromise on health.

Whether you want to work out on Sunday evening or Saturday morning, there are slots you can choose from at your convenience.

Moreover, online personal training also includes pre-recorded videos that you can access anytime, anywhere. It helps you stay consistent with your workout management without missing out.

3. Better & Faster Communication = Easier Online Training Access From Anywhere

With online personal training, you don’t only enjoy more attention but also better communication. It is much easier to communicate with your trainer via WhatsApp, Skype, Skype, Zoom, etc., schedule workouts, communicate any issues you have, ask any questions, etc.

Even if you don’t meet your fitness instructor in person, online communication makes it easier to stay updated with your daily workouts, meal plans, etc.

Accessing such information from your phone, tablet, or laptop anytime, anywhere ensures you don’t miss out on your workout sessions – whether you’re at home or on holiday.

Woman online training at home

4. More Attention–A Better Online Focused Approach

Contrary to popular belief, online personal training has no dearth of attention and motivation. With that said, it always needs some effort and personal drive to reap the benefits of working out, irrespective of whether it is online or offline. Online personal trainers are well-acquainted with the challenges people face when starting their fitness journey.

They know well how to help people overcome the roadblocks, struggles, and tides of complacency most people usually face. It is why trainers would hold you accountable and keep you pushing your limits, ensuring you don’t relapse into your comfort zone.

The constant communication, counselling, training, and question-answer sessions ensure the online personal training participants stay motivated without lacking attention, drive, or enthusiasm.

5. Online Personal Training Is Affordable to Get Stared

One of the many reasons or excuses people give for why they’re not working out is the expensive gym membership. Working with an online fitness instructor is far more affordable than hiring a personal trainer at the gym or even buying a basic gym membership. The difference in the money spent doesn’t translate into poor results because the workouts are still the same, and so are the results.

The lack of one-to-one interaction and lesser time spent supervising online members translates into savings for you. Apart from these differences, there’s not much difference because it includes guidance, initial consultation, goal setting, meal plans, progress monitoring, and more - just like going to the gym.

Once you find the right online personal trainer and go along well with him/her, the entire experience of online fitness training can actually be even better than face-to-face physical training.

6. Same Online Fitness Results

No matter how
good the personal trainers are – whether online or offline training – they can’t work out on your behalf. In the end, it depends on your hard work and personal drive to achieve a positive outcome.

While you can think of many differences between offline and online fitness training, the primary difference is the presence and absence of face-to-face physical interaction.

If you follow the meal plan, workout routine, and guidance provided by the online trainer, there’s no reason why the results would differ from the usual face-to-face personal training.

Gary Wagner Personal Trainer in Melbourne

Final Thoughts - There are Some Undeniable Benefits of Online Personal Training

There are tons of benefits offered by online personal training, and you’ll certainly start noticing it as you get started. With the new world order recommending social distancing and other pandemic protocols, more and more people are getting into online fitness training.

As people start discovering the convenience, flexibility and results this form of training offers, it can be said without an iota of doubt that online personal training is here to stay.

If you’ve been considering
hiring a personal trainer for a while but don’t have the time to hit the gym, don’t let that become a roadblock to your fitness journey. Instead, join online fitness training today and with the right trainer and a bit of dedication from your end – this will certainly be the life-changing decision you will thank yourself for in the future!

Hi, I'm Gary Wagner (Coach Gaz).

I help business leaders get out of pain so they can dominate their profession & get all that they want out of life. I guide professionals passionate about achieving new levels of performance. I enable them to forge an effective and resilient physical form that feels unstoppable, enabling and empowering their personal and professional success in Melbourne.

Connect with me!

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  • image of woman with a dumbbell to sign up for unlimited training for only $197 (normally $400)

  • image of man on a fitness mat to sign up for unlimited training for only $197 (normally $400)

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