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How To Do a Close Grip Bench Press Correctly

Gary Wagner • Sep 21, 2023

Greetings, fellow fitness enthusiasts! Today, we're going to discuss one of the most effective chest exercises - the close grip bench press. Performing this exercise is not only beneficial for building chest muscles but also for enhancing upper body strength.

Are you ready to learn the correct technique for doing a close grip bench press? Great! Let's get started.

Firstly, position the barbell on the bench press rack and sit facing it. Then, using a narrower grip than your regular bench pressing grip, grab the bar with your fingers facing towards your body.

Now that you have a strong grip on the bar, lift it off the rack, and hold it above your chest. Slowly lower the bar towards your chest, maintaining control and keeping your elbows close to your body. Once the bar is just above your chest, push it back up until your arms are fully extended.

Make sure to engage your chest muscles throughout the exercise and avoid bouncing the bar off your chest. It's essential to maintain proper form to avoid any injuries and ensure an effective workout.

So, there you have it - the correct technique for performing a close grip bench press. Incorporate this exercise into your routine and watch your chest muscles grow stronger and bigger!

Close Grip Bench Press

While the close grip bench press primarily targets the chest muscles, it also engages other muscles in the upper body, making it an excellent exercise for weightlifting, powerlifting, and overall upper body development.

Physical Benefits of a Close Grip Bench Press

In this section, we will explore the different variations of the close grip bench press and highlight their specific benefits.

Tricep Bench Press

One variation of the close grip bench press is the tricep bench press, which specifically targets the tricep muscles in the upper arm. To perform this variation, position your hands closer together on the barbell than in a traditional bench press, with your elbows tucked in close to your body. This variation allows for greater engagement of the triceps, leading to stronger and more defined arms.

Close Grip Variations

Another way to vary the close grip bench press is to adjust the width of your grip. A narrower grip will engage the triceps more, while a wider grip will involve more chest muscles. Experimenting with different grip widths can help you target specific muscles in your upper body, leading to a more well-rounded upper body workout.

Upper Body Workout

The close grip bench press is an effective upper body compound exercise, which means it engages multiple muscles at once. In addition to the chest and tricep muscles, it also engages the shoulders, forearms, and biceps. Incorporating the close grip bench press into your upper body workout routine can help you build strength and muscle mass in these areas.

Weightlifting and Powerlifting

Due to its effectiveness in building upper body strength, the close grip bench press is a popular exercise in weightlifting and powerlifting training. The close grip bench press can help athletes increase their bench press max, leading to improved performance in competitions. It also strengthens the muscles used in other weightlifting and powerlifting exercises, making it a valuable addition to any training program.

Overall, the close grip bench press is a versatile exercise with a variety of benefits for upper body development. By incorporating different variations and adjusting your grip width, you can target specific muscles and enhance your overall workout. 

Close Grip Bench Press

Close grip bench press is a popular exercise for building strength and muscle in the upper body. However, it's crucial to perform this exercise correctly to avoid injuries and maximise its benefits.

Stay Injury-Free and Build Muscle with Closed Gripped Bench Press

Here are some tips to help you stay injury-free and build muscle effectively:

1. Warm Up Before You Start Bench Pressing

Before starting your close grip bench press, it's vital to warm up your muscles properly. You can warm up by doing some light cardio, stretching, and doing some warm-up sets with lighter weights. Warming up helps prepare your muscles for the intense exercise ahead, reduces the risk of injury and increases your performance.

2. Maintain Proper Form

Proper form is crucial for any exercise, and close grip bench press is no exception. When performing this exercise, make sure to keep your elbows slightly tucked in towards the body to engage the triceps muscles. Also, keep your back straight, and your feet planted firmly on the ground to ensure stability. Avoid arching your back or lifting your buttocks off the bench. 

Close Grip Bench Press

Using the right amount of weights is essential to build muscle effectively and avoid injury. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the weight as you become stronger and more comfortable with the exercise. Avoid using weights that are too heavy, as this can cause strain on your muscles and increase the risk of injury.

4. Incorporate Rest Days into Your Training Routine

Rest days are essential for muscle recovery and growth. Make sure to give your muscles enough time to rest and recover between your workout sessions. Overtraining can cause muscle fatigue, soreness, and increase the risk of injury.

5. Gradually Progress to Prevent Injuries and Promote Steady Muscle Building

If you're new to close grip bench press, it's essential to start with lighter weights and gradually progress to heavier weights as you become more experienced. Progressing too quickly can cause muscle strain and increase the risk of injury.

Additionally, gradually increasing the weight can help promote steady muscle building and prevent plateauing.

  • Warm up before starting bench pressing
  • Maintain proper form
  • Use appropriate weights
  • Incorporate rest days into your training routine
  • Gradually progress to prevent injuries and promote steady muscle building

By following these tips, you can perform close grip bench press safely and effectively while building muscle in your upper body. Remember to listen to your body, take breaks when needed, and consult a professional if you experience any pain or discomfort.

Close Grip Bench Press

Tips for a Safe and Effective Close Grip Bench Press

Performing the close grip bench press correctly is essential for avoiding injuries and achieving your fitness goals. Here are some valuable tips for executing this exercise safely and effectively:

Warm-up Properly

Before starting your close grip bench press, it's crucial to warm up your muscles and joints adequately. Begin with some light cardio exercises, such as jumping jacks or a brisk walk, to get your blood flowing. It's also helpful to perform some dynamic stretches and mobility drills for the shoulders and chest. This will prepare your body for the workout ahead and minimise the risk of injury.

Maintain Proper Form

To prevent injuries and maximise the effectiveness of your close grip bench press, it's essential to maintain proper form. Make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground, your back is flat against the bench, and your elbows are tucked close to your body. Using a controlled and slow movement, lower the barbell to your chest, pause for a second, and then press it back up to the starting position. Avoid bouncing the bar off your chest or locking out your elbows, as this can strain your joints and cause discomfort.

Use Appropriate Weights

Choosing the right amount of weight for your close grip bench press is crucial for avoiding injuries and making progress. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the load as you build strength and confidence. Remember to always use a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with good form and without pain or discomfort. If you're unsure about the appropriate weight, seek the guidance of a qualified fitness trainer.

Take Rest Days

Rest and recovery are just as important as exercise when it comes to building muscle and improving fitness. Incorporate rest days into your training routine to allow your muscles to recuperate and grow. Overtraining can lead to fatigue, injuries, and reduced performance. Listen to your body and take breaks when needed.

Avoid Common Mistakes

There are some common mistakes that people make when performing the close grip bench press. These include arching the back excessively, flaring out the elbows, and using too much weight. These errors can lead to injuries and limit the effectiveness of your workout. Be mindful of your form and consult with a professional if you're unsure about your technique.

By following these tips, you can perform the close grip bench press safely and effectively, leading to improved strength, muscle development, and overall fitness.

FAQ's - Getting A Closed Grip Bench Press Right

Q: How do I position the barbell for a close grip bench press?

A: To position the barbell for a close grip bench press, lie on a flat bench with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Grip the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing towards your feet. Ensure your wrists are straight and aligned with your forearms.

Q: Which muscles does the close grip bench press target?

The close grip bench press primarily targets the triceps, but it also engages the chest, shoulders, and upper back muscles. This exercise can help build strength and size in the triceps, leading to improved upper body pushing power.

Q: What are the benefits of close grip bench press variations?

Close grip bench press variations, such as the tricep bench press, can provide specific benefits. The tricep bench press focuses more on isolating the triceps, which can aid in developing stronger and more defined arms. Exploring different grip widths in close grip bench press variations also allows you to target different muscles in the upper body, providing a more well-rounded workout.

Q: Can the close grip bench press be beneficial for weightlifting and powerlifting training?

Yes, the close grip bench press can be beneficial for weightlifting and powerlifting training. It helps increase upper body strength and stability, which are crucial for performing heavy lifts. Additionally, the close grip bench press targets the triceps, which play a significant role in the lockout phase of exercises like the bench press and overhead press.

Q: How can I ensure a safe and effective close grip bench press?

To ensure a safe and effective close grip bench press, warm up adequately before starting your workout. Maintain proper form throughout the exercise, keeping your elbows close to your body and avoiding excessive strain on the wrists. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the load as you progress. Incorporate rest days into your training routine to allow your muscles to recover and avoid overuse injuries.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid during the close grip bench press?

Some common mistakes to avoid during the close grip bench press include flaring the elbows out too wide, using excessive weight that compromises form, and rushing through the exercise without proper control. It's essential to focus on quality reps over quantity and prioritize maintaining proper technique throughout the movement.

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Gary Wagner fitness coach in Melbourne
Gary Wagner #1 Personal Trainer in Melbourne and head coach at Recalibrate

Hi, I'm Gary Wagner (Coach Gaz).

I help business leaders get out of pain so they can dominate their profession & get all that they want out of life. I guide professionals passionate about achieving new levels of performance. I enable them to forge an effective and resilient physical form that feels unstoppable, enabling and empowering their personal and professional success in Melbourne.

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